OVMumPMekXQW8/uI7JcaqA== A L L 4 M O B I L E: Sony Ericsson family Akspiria get Alandroed 2.1 at the end of this year?

Sony Ericsson family Akspiria get Alandroed 2.1 at the end of this year?

Mentioned to you by those points that caused the decline of many in Saudi Arabia to purchase a phone Akspiria X10 and has been one of those important points, that of the operating system the phone and is Alandroed 1.6 and has passed it has a lot of time, especially as there Alandroed 2.1 on the market already
since for quite some time at all, and, more importantly, is to be launched next release of 2.2 Alandroed known as Vrroyo, very soon.

Today may differ slightly for the better with regard to operating system family Akspiria (X10 - X10 Mini - X10 Mini Pro), where Sony Ericsson announced three new phones that will be updated to a working system Alandroed 2.1 with the last quarter of the year 2010.

Also known that the three Alandroed phones from Sony Ericsson are working by using the platform with the UXP Alandroed and is something which may be one of the reasons delaying the possibility of updating phone systems work to the latest version.

With regard to the phone, the original family - Sony Ericsson Akspiria X10 - in the picture above, the Sony Ericsson is working to improve the phone by adding new updates to the group, expected to get the phone to record video HD, a wireless connection wireless home via DLNA, in addition to some improvements in terms of the Time & MediaScape.

Sony Ericsson has the right to pay much attention to her lost Alandroed first, is not it?

Source: [eurodroid]

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