OVMumPMekXQW8/uI7JcaqA== A L L 4 M O B I L E: Google Launches Mobile Payment System

Google Launches Mobile Payment System

 بالتعاون مع سيتي جروب وماستر كارد1
According to news reports, the preparation for the cooperation of Google and check with the companies of Citigroup and MasterCard to provide a payment system via mobile devices using the technology, NFC.

Companies planning to ensure the provision of this sophisticated system that will work in hardware-based Android in the future, to open the way for users to buy goods from shops that will support this system, with the possibility of conducting financial transactions and credit, and according to the newspaper, "The Wall Street Journal."
Will my company Citigroup and MasterCar issuing cards can increase the balance of the credit of the smartphone; with will benefit from Google to promote its platform advertising with special offers based on places, according to sources close to all parties associated with the project, and given Google a competitive advantage with this great project because of its dealings and involvement with Many companies that offer banking services and e-payment would give great confidence to the major street shops or even those available on the Internet.
In the view of companies manufacturing mobile phones in the NFC technology the next logical step to increase reliance on smart phones in the future, which is evident from the plans revealed by companies such as Apple and RIM recently; has been predicted already Corporation Frost & Sullivan that pervades the payment systems through NFC technology are about 53% of the smart phones globally by 2015.
This expectation may not be true that even where there is no payment system depends on this technique, where there are still some security concerns related and that would reduce the momentum of the ocean current.

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