OVMumPMekXQW8/uI7JcaqA== A L L 4 M O B I L E: BlueAnt S4 Review

BlueAnt S4 Review

Not everyone fancies about wearing obtrusive looking Bluetooth headsets, so if you happen to fit in that population, you're more than likely to prefer using something strictly reserved for the car. That's where the BlueAnt S4 combines all the necessary ingredients to position itself as a likely candidate in keeping you hands free while driving a vehicle – and without the worry of  having to carry around some headset. Employing a treasure trove of features, this simple to use in-car speakerphone might justify itself as the perfect driving companion that won't keep you wrapped up in its usage, but instead, keeps your focus of attention straight ahead on the road. Packaged with the BlueAnt S4 are 2 metal clips, 2 ear clips, 5 ear buds, microUSB cable, car charger, and a user manual.

At first glance, we're rather shocked by the overall size of the BlueAnt S4 – which makes it look just as large as some of today's touchscreen smartphones. Luckily, it sports curved cutouts on both ends to give it a uniform look, plus its gray and black colored plastic exterior tastefully elevates its minimalistic approach. Now even though it seems like a handful, its plastic construction enables it to still feel relatively lightweight. Moreover, we adore the fact that magnets are used to keep it tightly connected with its metallic clips – meaning, less worry about something accidentally breaking off.  

Spanning half the front portion of the BlueAnt S4 is a mesh grill that tucks away the speaker, while the other half is simply a glossy plastic that covertly hides the touch sensitive buttons towards the bottom – these include the volume up, down, and voice command buttons. Additionally, there is a green and blue LED indicator above the touch sensitive buttons that indicates that power is on, connected to a device, and that trigger mode is on.

BlueAnt S4 Review
Finally, on the side of the BlueAnt S4, we find the microUSB port hidden behind a plastic flap cover and the power switch to set it to the power saver and always-on mode. The latter of which consumers more power since it's constantly listening for the trigger command.

BlueAnt S4 Review

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